Vidiot... which court case?
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Court ruling update.....
by stuckinarut2 in
Court ruling update.....
by stuckinarut2 in
cha ching
I couldn't believe it either.
The "worldly" lawyer that the WT hired was a pro.... He gave the judges an illustration of a person working at a Coca Cola (?) factory. He asked something like this: 'now, let's say someone comes to work for CC and in the past had been convicted as a shoplifter, is CC going to be obligated, by this decision you are making to "inform everyone working at this plant that 'there is a shoplifter here'. 'It would cost so much money, and if it was a rule, then people would sue them for 'not declaring the shoplifter'..... in that type of style.
He used the "umbrella" idea to affect the judges ruling that all corporations in CA would be effected.
So the WT argued more in the style that IT was a "corporation" and NOT as a "god's channel of communication."
They did not come across as "abhorring child abuse".
Apostasy: The Movie - Directed by Daniel Kokotajlo
by darkspilver indaniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
cha ching
OOOOOOOOooops, sorry guys, haha!
I thought it was odd that it had "reverse closed captioning", haha!
It was suppose to be in English, but was in Spanish with English CC!
Oh well.... I tried.... Anyone else have a trailer
Oh this stoopid shunning thing!!
by Unstuck inwarning - vent ahead....... so, my father (still very much in jw but who has at least had the decency to still keep in contact with me and hubby and to show interest in why we aren't attending and respect where we are at) is in intensive care at a local hospital and is intubated and sedated with some serious health issues.
i'm next of kin so i get all the phone calls from the hospital.. so, the rest of the "family" has cut me off because we are inactive and because the ever-active jw gossip grapevine has rumoured with a sibilant slithy hissy voice: "apossstassssy" is the cause of our inactivity.. whatever.. but now i've had to contact said "family" with the news about my father and what is going on....... so, dad's sisters answer my calls and manage to act and conduct themselves with a degree of decorum.. my sister on the other hand - well, she doesn't deign to answer my calls and texts for most of the day.
i push the issue tonight and insist on speaking to her when my brother-in-law answers the call.
cha ching
So sorry, unstuck....... I am almost to your place in life....
My dad is NOT a JW, my mom is.... He is 87, and there will come a hospital day.
I am not disassociated or DFd, but have not "attended" for five years now. My hubby was DFd for testifying in a child abuse case, and NO ONE of my family has spoken/ discussed/ inquired about it.
(One day, quite unplanned... when my JW sister asked me "which DA are you going to?" .... I let the cat out of the bag, and told her about the latest WT re: 607, and one question/response led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was telling her that the WT was going to have to ditch Russell, and change "the times" cuz 607 was wrong.... that was in 2012.... and it happened not long after)
So.... five years later, after my mom has been VERY business like when I called, she is in need of help cleaning up my hoarding dad's yard, and my JW sister refuses, she "helped 3 years ago" ! My DFd hubby & I, and my non-baptized also apostate sister have been leading the way in the cleanup.... my mom is being more 'friendly'.... My JW sister is still acting like a self righteous brat.
My point? I don't know what would happen if my dad suddenly took a turn for the worse... JWs change their colors/ coats so fast... Would all of our hard work be forgotten?
I feel for you..... JWs have a tendency not to "communicate".... it is against their religion....
Always hold the higher place, actions will always speak louder than words...
Apostasy: The Movie - Directed by Daniel Kokotajlo
by darkspilver indaniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
cha ching
Here are a couple of trailers, 'apparently' is is classified as a comedy.
"Weighty matters, tackled with a wonderful lightness of touch" Hollywood Reporter
YouTube video that you may find of interest.
by longgone ini came across a youtube video published on august 11th of this year called "watchtower threw out 130 years of bad "spiritual food" with one talk" by leonard east.
(sorry, i still haven't learned how to put up a link.).
as i read the introduction from the publisher, i remembered that very talk and how i felt when i heard it.
cha ching
10:36, "we must follow the light wherever it leads us, our love should be for the truth, and not for a particular doctrine or teaching... Well how would you summarize this talk in a few words?"
"Well, the wrong answer is 'we don't believe in types and anti-types any more', we do! we really do!"
"Where the scriptures identify them as such, we embrace them, but where the Bible is silent, we must be silent"
I am getting dizzy from the circles...
YouTube video that you may find of interest.
by longgone ini came across a youtube video published on august 11th of this year called "watchtower threw out 130 years of bad "spiritual food" with one talk" by leonard east.
(sorry, i still haven't learned how to put up a link.).
as i read the introduction from the publisher, i remembered that very talk and how i felt when i heard it.
cha ching
9:55 "we simply cannot go beyond what is written".... hmmm, if they are abandoning certain "types/ anti-types" that we all studied, spent so much time of our lives on....
that means, in the past, they DID go beyond what was written!
( But NOW they aren't! Thank God! What a relief!)
Sends chills up and down my spine!
YouTube video that you may find of interest.
by longgone ini came across a youtube video published on august 11th of this year called "watchtower threw out 130 years of bad "spiritual food" with one talk" by leonard east.
(sorry, i still haven't learned how to put up a link.).
as i read the introduction from the publisher, i remembered that very talk and how i felt when i heard it.
cha ching
at 9:31, Splane "splains" that when the Society changed the beloved Pyramid teachings, Brother Smith accepted it, he let reason win out over emotion!"
Try to do this without the GB's blessing, and see what happens to you!
YouTube video that you may find of interest.
by longgone ini came across a youtube video published on august 11th of this year called "watchtower threw out 130 years of bad "spiritual food" with one talk" by leonard east.
(sorry, i still haven't learned how to put up a link.).
as i read the introduction from the publisher, i remembered that very talk and how i felt when i heard it.
cha ching
David Splane, speaking about the warm fuzzy memeories we all have about the book study, the hundreds of pages and hours we spent studying the mandated "types and anti-types" (from 7:08 to 7:52)
"It is true that the study of types and anti-types could be thrilling, so here's a question for you, if the study of a certain subject makes chills run up and down your spine, could it possibly be mistaken? and the answer is "yes"!
Does the overlapping generation send chills up and down your spine?
JWorg & Scientology both have child sex abuse coverups within
by mrmagic injust watched leah remini's season 2 episode 1 about the child sexual abuse within scientology and the coverups.
the same cookie-cutter patterns as what we have with the jehovah's witnesses.
they have mention australia and i'm wondering if the australian royal commission will one day investigate scientology.
cha ching
Pretty cool, mrmagic.. I also believe when JWs hear about it from another source, then come to the knowledge it is happening "within this clean borganization" it just might "click"